Education Indicators
Access to quality education is critical to a community's future. Good schools can provide children with the skills and knowledge they need to get into college, succeed in their careers as adults, contribute to their communities and lead fulfilling lives. When quality education is not available to everyone in a community, not all children have equal opportunities to succeed. Equally important, especially to Erie's market, is post-secondary education which is closely tied to Erie's workforce opportunities.
- Development of early math skills is an important part of elementary schooling and a foundation for continuing progress in not only math, but also science and related subjects. Third grade is also considered an important milestone in a student's career in terms of reading proficiency and is correlated to whether a student will graduate high school.
- To gauge the success of developing of math and reading skills in students through the public school system. Math is an important foundation for continuing progress in not only math, but also science and related subjects. Reading proficiency is correlated to whether a student will graduate high school.
- High school graduation is the culmination of a successful K-12 education and the gateway to college or employment. Students who do not graduate face the prospect of unemployment or low-paying jobs.
- The degrees being awarded from higher education institutions within the County are a firm indicator of the type of talent which is available to local employers, as well as represent a large sector of the local economy.
The following are the EVS key indicators for Erie's Education:

Explore the data in more detail
Click on any of the previews below to access the topic pages for each data cetagory

3rd Grade Achievement Insights 8th Grade Achievement Insights

High School Graduation Insights University Awards Insights