ANNUAL EARNINGS in erie county, PA

Annual Earnings

Analysis Categories

What Does this Measure?

Median Annual Earnings by Industry Sector.

Why is this Important?

Earnings are a gauge of overall economic health and a measure of the degree to which employees are sharing in the prosperity of a community. They also indicate the vitality of a region and its ability to compete and attract workers.

How is Erie County Doing?


The highest median salary of $185,694.91 occurs in the Management Occupations subcategory in Erie County, up from $179,941.64 in 2022. While this has remained the highest median salary subcategory in Erie since 2010, the median salary has increased by $2167 from 2020 to 2021.


The lowest median salary of $21,237 occurs in the Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations category in Erie County, up from $20,780 in 2018. This sector's median salary in Pennsylvania is $22,170, and reflects a difference of $933 or 4.2% between Erie County and the state. While this has remained the lowest median salary subcategory in Erie since 2010, the median salary has risen since 2014, by +$2,859 (+15.6%).

Over Time

The median salary for Erie County is $40,419, whereas for the United States the median salary is $44,200, a difference of 8.6%. Since 2010 the median salary for Erie County has risen from $34,990 to $40,419, a percent change of 15.5% in 10 years. 


EVS Indicators

EVS analyzes the data in each topic category using indicators, which report a targeted and digestible number, rate, or amount to represent Erie County as a whole. While this does not cover every aspect of the topic, it assists in establishing Erie's performance relative to the prior year(s). The indicators for the Economy: Annual Earnings topic are:

How does Erie compare to Pennsylvania?

About this Data

Data from Lightcast, as of 02/2024